How to Make Finnish Squeaky Cheese – Juusto

A Pioneer Lane Farm Favorite

Learn How to Make Finnish Squeaky Cheese

Some call Finnish Cheese “Leipäjuusto”. Some call it Squeaky Cheese. We just call it Juusto.

Squeaky Cheese

Finnish Juusto or Finnish Cheese

As a young girl one of the many warm memories of life on our farm, Pioneer Lane Farm, is of my mom making Finnish cheese. This was no ordinary cheese, but a very special treat. My dad was a Guernsey farmer, and a great farmer was he! I’m quite certain that the combination of Mom’s recipe and Dad’s sweet milk from the Guernseys is what made for a perfect pan of Finnish cheese.

We called it Juusto.

Since this Finnish cheese or juusto (pronounced  you’-stow) was something that we had around at all times, whether fresh or frozen, I did not realize the novelty of it. Little did I know that many people had never even tasted it, and for most other people, juusto was a special treat they got only when going to company’s house. It was only after being away from home that I realized that this cheese was indeed something very special. Not only did it bring warm memories of Mom getting it ready and a busy kitchen on Saturday mornings, but also a realization that Finnish cheese was not something that could be easily bought anywhere or made by just anybody!

It took me six tries to perfection!

After quite a few years away from home, I finally decided to take time to learn how to make cheese, this Finnish Squeaky Cheese, so that I could carry and pass the tradition to others. Even though I had seen it made hundreds of times, I did not really pay attention, and all these years later I ended up making about five phone calls to Mom and a couple calls to my sisters and then there was even one time when I had to just sit down and write instructions exactly as Mom told me over the phone when I couldn’t get things quite right. The first week I made this juusto SIX times just to try perfect it! Yes, that’s right, SIX times in one week!

You can do it in only one attempt!

That’s when I decided to make a video showing the entire process. I knew that if I did not know how to do it even after watching the process so many times around home, others would surely wonder as well. If you follow my mom’s step-by-step process, it should be perfect the first time!

Enjoy the video How to Make Finnish Squeaky Cheese, and let me know if you have any questions or comments.  My email is


Susan Raisanen

P.S. Photo credits for the farm painting go to Lavona Keskey, a local friend and artist.

P.S.S. In the meanwhile, selling Profit Finder Pro Software is what I do most of the time!